“I don’t feel any compulsion just to stand under the spotlight night after night unless I have something to say“
Leonard Cohen on Moonlight

“I have no faith at all. I only hold convictions.”
Ayn Rand on Love and Happiness

“I think men have got to change an awful lot. They still prefer the little woman.”
Bette Davis on The Sexes

“In my insides, it really hurts if someone doesn't like me. It's silly.”
Janis Joplin on Rejection

“If you have to ask yourself whether or not you love a girl or you love a boy, forget it. You don't.”
Ray Bradbury on Madmen

“The night I went to the lady’s house. I mean, I mean, I was petrified.”
Larry King on Getting Seduced

“Everything in my mind works like a search engine set for the image function.”
Temple Grandin on Her Search Engine

“Mama just always said, 'you be what you are and you don’t have to worry about nothing.'”
Dolly Parton on Getting Dirty

"If it’s wearing a pink hat and a red nose, and it plays a guitar upside down, I will go and look at it."
David Bowie on Ziggy Stardust

“The only way you can be a mark is if you want something for nothing.”
Maya Angelou on Con Men