“If God didn‘t want me to sing it, he wouldn‘t have given me the talent to do it“
Stevie Wonder on Keys of Life

“When things get too heavy just call me helium--the lightest known gas to man.”
Jimi Hendrix on The Experience

“The worst question that I’ve gotten was whether I cried when we got malfunctions.”
Sally Ride on Dumb Questions

“Although I have prayed a good bit, and do, I've never asked God to let me be President.“
Jimmy Carter on Power

“I‘m sorry, I‘m a coward. I didn‘t want to die.”
Patty Hearst on Reasonable Doubt

“Learning how to die is therefore learning how to live”
Philip Seymour Hoffman on Happiness

“A lot of ladies found me so attractive because I was different, and I acted on that.”
Wilt Chamberlain on Tall Tales

“I did as much as I could do at that time in my life ... and I couldn’t do better.”
Dustin Hoffman on Duplicity

“In my insides, it really hurts if someone doesn't like me. It's silly.”
Janis Joplin on Rejection

“The night I went to the lady’s house. I mean, I mean, I was petrified.”
Larry King on Getting Seduced