“When things get too heavy just call me helium--the lightest known gas to man.”Jimi Hendrix on The Experience
”If you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the consent of the ruled”Aldous Huxley on Technodictators
“The thing that was relentless for me was how you look... It just drove me crazy.”Meryl Streep on Beauty
“A lot of people are kind of depressed. I'm happy some of the time, and some of the time I'm not.”Elliott Smith on Freaks
”Instead of being frightened by the great white shark, we should protect them”Jacques Cousteau on Atlantis and Cognac
“A literal reading of the Bible simply is a mistake; I mean it’s just wrong”Carl Sagan on Extraterrestrials
“I write a song called 'Heroin', you would have thought that I murdered the Pope” Lou Reed on Guns and Ammo
“The worst question that I’ve gotten was whether I cried when we got malfunctions.”Sally Ride on Dumb Questions
“If somebody don’t like something that I do, that’s his or her prerogative. Just like it’s mine.”Ray Charles on Singing True